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Minchenden Oak Gardens
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Parky says

"If you want to know a little bit about what was happening in England at each of the times, just click on the picture of the tree!

To find out more about oak trees,
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London Parks & Gardens Trust

Activity Minchenden Oak Gardens, Enfield
Age-old Oak

The oak tree in Minchenden Oak Gardens may be as much as eight hundred years old!

Imagine all the changes it has seen in that time - all the different people who may have met under it all the time it was growing, and all the different conversations it may have overheard.


For each of the periods of time below, when the Minchenden Oak would have been growing bigger and finally getting old, imagine that you are living in that time and have met a friend beneath the tree.

Describe what you can see, and talk about what you have been doing by typing into the boxes. When you have finished for each time, print your page!


Oak sappling, 8K In 1200 the Minchenden Oak would have been a young tree, struggling to survive, one of many thousands in the great forest of Middlesex. Perhaps it was near to one of the forest tracks leading to London.
Standing beneath the tree, I can see:
What I will say to my friend:
Oak tree, 7K By 1500 the Minchenden Oak would have been a mature tree. What do you think the countryside would have been like at that time?
Standing beneath the tree, I can see:
What I will say to my friend:
Mature oak tree, 8K By 1800 the Minchenden Oak was in the grounds of the Minchenden Estate, one of the great estates in the area and owned by the Duke of Chandos. At this time, the Minchenden Oak was believed to be the largest tree in England.
Standing beneath the tree, I can see:
What I will say to my friend:
Ancient oak tree, 8K Today, the Minchenden Oak forms part of Minchenden Oak Gardens, which was formed in 1934 as a Garden of Remembrance.
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