London Park Discovery Project
Park Explorer 7K   London Discovery Project 6K
Curriculum grid


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London Parks & Gardens Trust

Teachers' area
Curriculum grid
Curriculum grids

The curriculum grids show where the Park Explorer activities link to National Curriculum key skills in History, Geography and Design & Technology.

Where relevant, specific subject themes and QCA schemes of work have been identified. Most activities relate to local studies either in History (e.g. QCA unit 12) or Geography (e.g. QCA units 1 and 6) so these links have not been identified in the grids unless a local study is the main focus. Many activities also have cross-curricular links and these are shown in the right hand column. If there is a downloadable worksheet for use either in school or on a field trip, it is shown with a ‘W’.

Design & Technology
Other subjects


Groups of activities

The website groups the activities under generic themes (‘What do you want to explore’) and park-specific themes. The curriculum grids split them again by subjects and key skills. In addition, some of the activities could be used together to make a more comprehensive scheme of work.

The following themes include more than one activity:

Churches and graveyards

  • Being remembered
  • Grave questions
  • Family plots
  • Remembering the dead
  • Checking churches
  • About churches
  • Tombs and poetry
  • Grave decisions
  • Overcrowding

Second world war

  • Dig for victory!
  • De-railed!
  • Giving shelter
A trip to the park 4K  

Copyright 2004 London Parks Discovery Project